
Multilingual Information Service

Legal Information for Foreign Nationals(English)

  • We provide information on the Japaneselegal system, bar associations and relevant organizations at no cost.
  • The information you provide will be kept strictly confidential.​
  • All personal information will be managed accordingly.
  • The conversation will be recorded to improve the quality of our service.

Multilingual Information Service

​How to Call​

  1. Call us at 0570-078377 (Multilingual Information Service).
    If you are calling from a VoIP phone or a prepaid mobile phone, please contact us on the following number instead: 050-3754-5430.
  2. Note: The service is free, but your standard call rate will apply.
    For those living outside of Japan: with the exception of The Hague Convention, Houterasu does not have any information on consultation services within Japan that users who live abroad can use to consult about general legal issue.
  3. Explain your situation to the interpreter.
  4. The interpreter will put you through to your nearest Houterasu District Office or District Branch Office.
  5. You will then be in a three-way call, where you can speak to the staff of the local office and the interpreter simultaneously.
  6. Depending on the situation, Houterasu staff will give you general information on the legal systems in Japan or refer you to the service providers.

Three-Way Conversation

  • ​For people who need legal support in civil cases but cannot afford it, we provide free legal consultation and an interest-free loan for a lawyer's legal fees.

Conditions for Legal Consultation Aid
Conditions for Legal Consultation Aid (PDF/282KB

Leaflet: Japan Legal Support Center (English)
Leaflet: Japan Legal Support Center (English) (PDF/521KB

Common Issues Q&A

Q&A leaflets
Common Issues Q&A [PDFファイル/463KB]

Information on the legal system that may help you solve legal problems is posted in the form of frequently asked questions (FAQ).

Please read them before using the service.​

  • The FAQ is a general introduction to the legal system in Japan and does not provide answers to specific individual questions.In addition, depending on your individual circumstances, the Japanese legal system may not be applicable.
  • If you would like to know if there are any FAQs that are not listed here, or if you would like to discuss your specific needs, please contact the Multilingual Information Service (0570-078377). It will provide you with information on FAQs and consultation services based on the nature of your inquiry.
  • Please note that Houterasu cannot be held responsible for any damages that may result from attempting to resolve specific individual problems based on the FAQ.

Family Affairs: Engagement, Marriage, DivorceFamily Affairs: Recognition, Child Support, Visitation, Inheritance etc.Housing and Property

Debts and LoansWorkplace and LaborAccidents and Compensation for Damages

Criminal MattersAbout Houterasu

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