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JLSC(Houterasu) is a public agency that assures the access to justice throughout the country.


Entrusted Services

Entrusted Services Business

We are able to be entrusted by the national government, local governments, non-profit corporations and other organizations to provide services on their behalf, so long as they do not interfere with the perfomance of our original operations (Article 30, Paragraph 2 of the Comprehensive Legal Support Act). Currently, we provide services entrusted by one organization.

[Aid Services entrusted by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations]
Since October 1, 2007, we have been providing aid services that are entrusted by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations. We provide various aids such as providing legal fees from the standpoint of human rights to those not covered by the JLSC's civil legal aid system or the court-appointed defense counsel system as stipulated by the Comprehensive Legal Support Act.

Aid Services entrusted by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations


Goals and Operations

Copyright © Houterasu All rights reserved.
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